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Saving Claire Toolbox: Fall-Proof Your Home

Our friend Arlene Grosso explains how to fall-proof your home and why.

There are a lot of low cost, no cost things that you can do in your home.

Things don’t cost a lot of money.

The number one thing, the easiest thing you can do is lighting.

Put up night lights, in the bathroom and kitchen areas, anywhere you go, put in night lights,

motion lights, any kind of lighting that will help you see the way.

That’s gonna help prevent a fall.

The second thing is looking at your bathroom area.

The bathroom is one of the places where we have a lot of slip and falls.

So I always say: if you don’t prevent it in the bathroom, you might slip coming out of the shower.

And maybe that’s not your best look—just saying.

What costs a lot of money is having a fall, having your kids have to come to take care of you, to lose time on work, lose time in their daily life with their kids, trying to take care of you, and you live in a different state—and you have to go through all this pain, and suffering and rehab…

All because you didn’t prepare for your aging.

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